PinnedPublished inMore MoniHow to Save on The Moni AppThe need to save is constantly being emphasized and day in and day out, we realize how important it is to save and avoid living paycheck to…Aug 28, 2023Aug 28, 2023
Hit Your Financial Goals With MoniGoals are anything you set your mind to achieve within a time frame. New Year's resolutions are a type of goal. They are habits people want…Sep 25, 2023Sep 25, 2023
Published inMore Moni7 Money Mistakes to Avoid in Your 20'sIn your 20s the world feels like your Oyster — a time for gaining independence/freedom and making money. If you ask some young adults…Sep 11, 2023Sep 11, 2023
Published inMore MoniThe Secret to Earning Like Asisat OshoalaHow cool would it be if we could earn huge money from what we enjoy doing? As someone who enjoys traveling, I constantly imagine myself…Aug 31, 2023Aug 31, 2023
Does Budgeting Really Work?We don’t think there’s ever been an unstable, unpredictable, and inconsistent economy like the one we currently have today. It’s 2023 by…Aug 14, 2023Aug 14, 2023
Published inMore MoniShould I Create An Emergency Fund?An emergency fund is a stash kept away for unexpected financial distress. Learn all you need to know about creating an emergency fund.Jul 21, 2023Jul 21, 2023
8 Reasons Why You Should Save MoneyThe first time I knew what it meant to save money was when I was a child. My uncles would give me money whenever I came top in my class and…Nov 2, 2022Nov 2, 2022
Published inMore MoniA Beginner’s Guide To Saving MoneyA lot of people believe they don’t make enough money to save or that they have so many expenses they can’t set any money aside.Nov 2, 2022Nov 2, 2022
Published inMore MoniHow To Land An Internship At A Tech StartUp With No ExperienceInternships are imperative when setting the foundation of your career. They give you a sense of what it’s like to work in a particular…Nov 2, 20223Nov 2, 20223